我利用Zunal 網站搜尋有關提供3~5年級的奧運Webquest活動,共有19個,藉由其任務描述、應用網站,利用Google翻譯產生中文,可以作為我們自己發想設計主題的參考。



01WebQuest: 3rd grade Social Studies Strands: American History, World History, Civics & Government, Geography and Economics

02WebQuest: Summer Olympics

04WebQuest: The Special Olympics are Coming to Town

07WebQuest: Olympic Games of Ancient Greece

08WebQuest: Olympic Games

09WebQuest: Summer Olympics

10WebQuest: 2012 Olympics

11WebQuest: Charting the Course: Social Studies WebQuest

12WebQuest: Journalists in Ancient Greece

14WebQuest: Ancient Greece

15WebQuest: Social Studies/ Going For the Gold

17WebQuest: Exploring Ancient Greece

18WebQuest: The Student Olympics

19WebQuest: Ancient Greece Contributions